Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cinnamon Pecan Breakfast Muffins (Whole Wheat)

There is something about making things from scratch, with food you have around the house, that feels great. Or maybe not, maybe you hate cooking. weird you are on a food blog but I don't judge.

At any rate, my family and I are really trying to pinch pennies without totally becoming one of those crazy cheapskates that only TLC would feature (if you have no idea what I'm talking about I feel like you should look into Extreme Cheapskates. We can chat later when you need to debrief).

So yes, I have been baking a lot. Why? Well it's not because we are trying to put on a few layers for winter. No, we are actually trying to do the opposite, but that's a whole different story.

Instead, I have been using up what we have in the fridge and pantry, and filling our freezer with homemade love. This way if there is a morning we wake up and think
"What a beautiful day for fresh coffee and a baked good!"
(if you don't wake up like this at least once a year you're lying, and if coffee isn't your thing I have nothing)...

Well when this feeling comes we have everything we need in the house. No need to run out and buy anything - or cook for that matter!

So I took some eggs that were nearing their due date, I took some flour, and I made muffins! No - not the nasty preservative full kind that will survive the nuclear blast and have enough fat and calories in them I'm pretty sure you could heat the house with one - but simple, light, breakfast muffins.

The kicker - they were both delicious an d simple to make AND they didn't stick to the pan (baking glory!).

So, since you are stopping by, I figure I will share:

Cinnamon Pecan Breakfast Muffins (Whole Wheat)
What You Need:
2 cups Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
1 tbsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Salt
3/4 cup Sugar
2 Eggs
1/2 cup Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
1 cup Milk (Skim works fine, so does almond)
2 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 tsp Cinnamon
1 cup Pecan Pieces

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

In a large mixing bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, salt, pecans, and sugar.

In a small bowl, whisk the eggs, vanilla, and milk. Add the coconut oil. Note: since the milk is cold, the coconut oil will solidify (more so than it was at room temp). This is more than fine as the oil will give the muffins the perfect texture as it bakes. Trust me! I too had doubts... but when I started on my second muffin I knew those doubts were pointless on such a tight time budget.

Add the egg mixture to the bowl of dry ingredients and stir to combine: DO NOT over mix! Simply mix these ingredients together until there are no more flour streaks. To help with the coconut oil, press the clumps into the batter. You should mix about 20 turns (if over mixing is a worry, count your stirs).

This recipe makes 12 muffins. Yes it will always make 12. Grease 12 muffin tins by brushing each muffin space well with coconut oil. Spoon your batter into the pan and bake 20 minutes.

Remove from oven and pop each muffin from the tin, placing onto a baking sheet (or rack, or plate) to cool.

They are tasty warm, so don't be shy! You can always say the recipe only made 11 and sneak a warm one when no one is looking...

Thanks for reading - until next time.... Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I love a good muffin and this recipe definitely sounds like a winner! Thanks for sharing and Happy Holidays :)

    Happy Blogging!
    Happy Valley Chow


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