Saturday, September 1, 2012

I'm Pregnant!!

Hello blog world! I have missed you! I have sooooo many recipes to post, my poor iPhone (my camera for all my posts.. I know I need to invest in a real one) has over 500 pictures on it waiting for me to upload and do blog posts on!

My oh My how fast time flies! I wanted to THANK everyone who still stops by from time to time, although I haven't posted in over a week, and also wanted to let everyone know that on top of work (Which I am pulling long weeks training new hires)...

I am pregnant!!!!!!

Most of my days I've been making some Super foods for Pregnancy and power protein meals to stay in the game... although I've packed on tons of weight in my first 5 months, I'm sticking to my healthy strict vegetarian diet.

I'm thinking soon BB will have great workouts and post baby meals ;)
                                                               Not to mention homemade baby wipes and baby food!

(what can I say, I'm a bit of a hippie!)

We will know what we are having on September 10th, and are super excited to finally call baby his/her name, instead of just "Hi Baby!!"

Our due date is tentatively set as Jan 30, but the ultrasound on the 10th will help us map out a more specific one.

I have lots to do, and many recipes to post, so know I will be back very soon with some yummy meals to share! I am catering tonight (my weekend job) so there will be some YUM on Instagram!

Thanks for all your love and support!


  1. Congratulations Aimee!!just relaxe and enjoy your pregnancy:)

  2. Aimee!! Congrats OMG I am soooooo excited for you!!!!!!!! YAY

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks girlie! We are super excited! Painted the nursery and now getting ready for a Shower with my family! It's hard living across the country from mine and my husbands families ;( But we are sooo excited for Baby Sergio!

  4. It’s a good thing you’re sticking to a well-balanced diet. Just be sure that you get 2,500 calories per day for the last three months of your pregnancy. This is very important because your body should be able to support your baby without compromising your health throughout that stage. Ensuring that you and your baby get enough nutrients is necessary at this point because anything less might affect you or the baby.


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