Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Perfect Sugar Cut-out Cookie Recipe!

Soft, Delicate, Sweet, Simple..... and made on a budget. 
Complexity Level:  Intermediate
The Perfect Sugar Cut-out Cookie Recipe!
What you Need:
1 cup (2 sticks) Butter
1 cup White Granulated Sugar
1 Egg
2 tsps Vanilla Extract
1 pinch Salt
3 tbsp Cream
3 cups Flour
1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder

This recipe is backwards because we are rolling it into cookies. By backwards, I mean you fold the butter into the dry ingredients when normally we fold the dry into the wet ingredients. The butter should be at room temperature.

We will start by cutting the butter into the flour.  Having the small pieces of butter in the dough will make pockets of flakiness when baking. Next, stir in the egg, sugar, vanilla extract, and cream. The dough will appear to be dry. This is ok because the butter is there but not melted, so when it heats up, it flakes the cookies. Cover the dough, and let chill for 1 hour or overnight.

After chilling, pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Roll the rough no thinner than 1/4 inch. If you want thin crisp bites, go ahead and roll thinner, but the 1/4 inch mark will leave you with a soft and amazing cookie! Cut into shapes and sprinkle with sugar. Bake for about 8 minutes, remove, and let cool. Now it's time to start making art!

You can decorate these any way you want!  I mix 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar with 1-2 tsp of creamand 1 tsp vanilla extract for the glaze that lets the cookies glisten and the decor stick.  Add food coloring for colorful glazes, and extracts for flavorful hints.


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